Tuesday 28 May 2013

Earth is a failed experiment for one reason, and one reason only....we do not have love at the center of every decision. In heaven love is the natural environment. It is in perfect balance as all are equal in value, all are equally loved, all things are possible for all, the heart of life in heaven is "what do you want to do next, for the good of you, and the good of all?"................because each one, each soul, is known as a creative and unique part of god, exploring god's potential.

Because love is not at the heart of every law and rule and approach to life, the earth is out of balance and on a self destructive course. Self destruction is normal for anything in life that is out of balance. Lack of balance becomes very painful, and in the end it will self destruct. But when you are in it and part of it, as we all are, caught up in the pain of life on earth, it is hard to see, and almost impossible to change. It is this situation we all find ourselves in. Whether we know it or not. Some do and many don't.

We cannot see what we do, and we have one way out, and one way only.

We have to embrace love at the center of all laws, decisions, choices, religions, politics, health, food, travel, energy, business, friendships and families. Everything. All work, rest, and play..................

Some will say that we already do this, but we do not. The love we have on planet earth is very conditional. It relies on a two way process. I do this for you so you must do this for me (sometimes with a "please"). If I look after you, then you must pay me, or do something for me in return.

Love on planet earth has become very conditional.

True love is unconditional.

True unconditional love (UL) says "I love and accept you as you are, and if I can help, just ask, and I will do my best". UL (Unconditional Love) has no expectations. UL gives freely asking for nothing in return, like a mother is with her baby. For if everyone is part of god, our creator, then it is natural to love unconditionally, because if I help you or support you, then in truth I am supporting myself. For I am you and you are me. We are part of each other and part of god. We are interconnected. We need each other, just like every cell in the body relies on all the organs (all the other cells) to help it achieve its potential as a cell, and so contribute to the whole body's living experience.

Every cell has a unique contribution to make, whether it is as a heart, liver, brain, hand, foot, head, knee, bowel or kidney cell. Each cell helps the whole body to work well, in its own unique way. And a perfectly working body is a body in balance. Homeostasis is what the medics call it, and when a body is out of balance, then it becomes ill.

In the same way each of us is the same as each other in that we have our human bodies, but unique in what we have to offer the world. No two people see the world the exact same way. We each have a contribution to make that is special, unique and can be offered by no one else. And everyone's contribution is equal in value to everyone else's. No one is more special than anyone else, as we are each equal parts of the whole.

This is how life is worked out in heaven. Everyone is helped to achieve their chosen goal in life in heaven. There are 100's of books from the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries describing life in heaven. They all describe heaven as a place where everyone helps everyone else to achieve their own, inner guided, goals. Each soul knows that every soul is a part of god exploring god's potential. And every soul has the answer to what they are here to do and be within, and we all need help to find, know and follow this inner guided dream.

It is supposed to be the same on earth, and unless we do something about the mess we have all created, then the earth will eventually self destruct. As we approach this we will continue to be in and out of the emotional and physical pain, individually and collectively, that comes from lack of balance. Lack of balance means that people increasingly have no qualms about being dishonest with each other. We all know how painful it is to be in a world where you cannot trust others, whether they be close family, friends, work colleagues or the government, lawyers, businesses and bankers.

So what can we do?

If UL is the only answer how do we create this environment for all to flourish. How do we create a transition from conditional love to UL. What would be needed. How would we enable such a process to take place?

This is the question we must all ask.